Philip's Pocket Atlas

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "New Warsaw Express"

Recently, a BBC sales team came to Warsaw to make a pitch to an interest group. I thought their presentation was disappointing, but, in compensation, they brought a lot of useful handouts with them, including the Philip's Pocket Atlas; alas, not quite enough for everyone but I was lucky to get one.
The PPA is full of valuable information. Every country on the planet is profiled: currency, population, weather, emergency numbers, medical requirements and conditions.
I read the description of Poland. Hmm. So I turned to her neighbours. Ukraine: don't drink the tap water without boiling it and beware some tick-borne diseases in forested areas. Ticks are a problem in Lithuania but the tap water is fine. In Belarus avoid forest fruits and mushrooms that, not surprisingly, can contain high levels of radiation. None of these reports draws attention to the condition of general medical care so I assume it was found to be acceptable. Poland is described in eight words. "Medical care is generally poor, particularly in rural regions." No mention of ticks or poisoned fruit and, it seems, you can drink the tap water, but worrying, nonetheless.
There is much talk of Polish medical professionals heading west now that the doors have opened. The EU should be cautious. In my experience in Warsaw, and I don't have enough space here to describe it, the public service doctors, dentists and emergency services have been well below par both in attitude and ability. The first may affect the second. There are always exceptions to the rule, but they are few. Polish friends scorn my cynicism, but at least now I've got it confirmed in black and white.
Prevention (or a healthy lifestyle) is a must for survival!

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